Saturday, May 22, 2010

Summer cut...away goes the long hair

Kaitlynn decided that she wanted a hair cut for the summer so I decided I wasn't going to be one in trouble for this later. I said to her she could get her hair cut but she decides the length and style. So when we arrived at Elvia's (my hair dresser for 10 yrs now) we looked at some books and kaitlynn showed her which one she wanted. Elvia, who will tell me what she thinks was a little hesitant but let's make the kid happy. So we did but the mom isn't happy!! She has my thick hair which can be good and bad, in this case this cut isn't good with her thick hair. I don't like it too much on her, but it's short for the summer and she likes it and that's all that matters. I said ok, bit my lip and a way we went. The next day she wouldn't go school and cried because she felt like she looked like a boy. OMG my heart went out to her but I reminded her very gently this this was her decision because she liked it. BE PROUD and don't let anyone tell you different! She then went on to school and had a good day. Oh my poor lil baby !! Broke my heart!!!


Tayde Lund said...

very cute!:) I think this is such a cute look for summer...btw...tell her bryanna did this like a month ago and it's sooo easy to take care of, she just gets up and goes! it's super cute!

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