Monday, May 31, 2010

Playing around with Pictures...LOL

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Duke and Betty!

I caught the dogs slumbering after dinner yesterday!
Duke has turned out to be an AMAZING animal and
family pet. Great personality! ! I am glad we found him.
Betty is so cute...Duke and Betty have become super
Great buddies!
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Sunday, May 30, 2010

Date with Dad Yuma Territorial Prison

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Daddy and Daughter Preparing for a Ride

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This is one of my ultimate favorite pictures
of Kaitlynn! This is when we went to to
San Clemente last year. It was so gorgeous!
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Great Memories with friends and family

Eli Makes me laugh!!
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Nascar 2009

We had a blast!!! Loved every minute of our family time! This is My favorit picture. I found my folder from Nascar last year so I'm going to post somemore pictures. It was a great time!!
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Saturday, May 29, 2010

I don't want to grill...I always grill

Most women who wear the many hats , mom wife boss student..etc will be able to totally relate to the story I'm about to tell you. In some ways I am glad that we are able to experience these kind of issues (we as in my husband and I) but I hate that we are even at this point to have to have this discussion. I love my life, so please as you red this don't EVER think that I am complaining about my child, husband, life or job. I have everything I could ever dream of...well except my 62 inch flat screen!!!

On a regular work week, Monday thru Friday I get up at 5am stumble to the coffee pot put coffee on get into the shower and wake myself up. Walk to get coffee check my email and of course my Facebook and then do some relaxing/calming YOGA until 6:30 Then i get the kid up..lay out her clothes, make her breakfast while she eats and gets dressed I am off to get myself ready for work. I get her to day care or school (depending on time of year) I go directly to work come home and rush to get out of my work clothes and kick my heels off. I'm exhausted and I just got home. I throw a load of laundry in, get dinner made ...inhale....get the kid in the shower, pjs on bush her hair get her to bed and then do dishes, feed the dogs check the lights outside and in turn them all off in side and finally 8:30 get back up and find my assignments for my class and review again what my homework is because even though I looked at it yesterday I don't remember...I'll tell you right now I have a very bad memory. ...then most nights I'm falling asleep with my face in my book.

Weekend comes YEAH..not really...I now come home Friday nights and worries on that, get up early...on saturday.....(sun is bright) jump on computer check email check Facebook, somewhere in there I did make and now drinking coffee...punch out my assignments get up clean the house sit down watch a movie get up clean some more ..allllllllllllllllllllllllll day long..that's if I'm not doing anything work related (like NEXT saturday the 5th!) then I'll clean on sunday

So having said all of this if you all know me you know my husband is a great man..a fabulous husband and most of all an amazing father. So he comes home this weekend for memorial day and we decided we were going to hang out and just relax and watch the race on Sunday....MOM text'd suggesting we grill out on Sunday for the race and I thought that was a great idea, get some ribs...and grill em...hubby said..........

I don't want to grill......I always grill.........I just want to sit down and relax and watch the race!

I said...........Nothing (there was the sound of crickets) Inhale

If you don't know hubby is stationed in China Lake..>Ridgecrest, CA. He comes home just about every 2 wks. He's GEO Bachleoring it' to speak. Sooooooooo his day consists of.... get up go to work come home go to sleep..Oh homework before bad forgot! .

Now don't get me wrong, he's got a point he's always the grill master but when I pondered on this I started did he really say I want to just sit and relax? I did discuss this with him on a very fair playing field and let him know I thought his was not being fair. However I decided to stop there...I'm going to cook the ribs and make them yummy!!!

Tuesday Kaitlynn (the kid) packs up and goes back to California for the summer with dad. Guess what I get to do this summer...get up go to work come home study go to bed... exhale!

Guess what dad gets to do for the summer ..

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Words of Wednesday

DON'T Judge a book by it's cover


Tell your children you love them each morning!


Don't ever be afraid of the truth, the truth hurts but it also heals!


If ya think your sick, go to the darn doctor!


My D cup is bigger then your D cup....Naner Naner


Today I saw my future, today I prayed for peace, today...I prayed for honesty...dammit if you love me and you think I'm hot...just tell me! :p


I Love you Elias C. Salter

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Cake I made for the Girl Scout Troop... It was fun making it

Saturday, May 22, 2010

When I was a teen, I remember never being emotional or experiencing disappointment over hurt feelings or a broken up friendships, kids are mean and that's no joke. I was a mean bitch growing up. I hurt alot of people in my wake and for that I am truely sorry.
But today I am a totally different person when it comes friendships. I have become very close to certain people over the years and grown to be a very sincere and "emotional" (theres that word again) adult. I prefer it to being mean but it really sucks some times. I am sure someone out there thinks I am crazy in some ways. I have taken my friendships to heart because over the years I have become a very caring and sensitive person. It matters to me...those close to me matter to me.

I guess you can say I wear my heart on my sleeve. My question is, and I ponder on this all the time, when is it ok to be normal (there's that word again). Some people just live life with not a care in the world, is that the way it should be? I truely believe that you need those friends even when you have a beautiful marriage. Is it abnormal to be attatched or just truely care about a friend that your feelings are hurt? When, as a teenager, growing into adult hood, do you seperate emotions to reality, or is there even a rule for that? I am sure I am not the only human being that ever has had these feelings, or ponders the same thoughts. Even as much as I want to distance myself from those who hurt me, in the same breath I still care, wonder how their lives are.

Junie B Jones, puzzles and Flip Flops

Well I'm pretty excited how Kailtynn decided to start off the summer. She had a pocket full of cash to spend and we went off on our little shopping adventure. Our first stop was Old Navy for $1 flip flop day! OMG no way, we didn't even stay it was a mess with a line all the way to the back of the store back out to the front door. I wasn't even gonna stand in that line. we turn around and went to Kohls which turned out to be a much better experience for us. Kaitlynn picked out 2 super cute pairs of flip flops, a bathing suit and some kid jewelry. She had a $10 off coupon (THANK YOU COLLIN) and saved 46.00 from her purchase! VERY smart shopping at Kohls. Then we were off to lunch and then Barnes and Nobles. She found her Junie b Jones books an bought all 4 sets that were on the shelf. I couldn't argue with that because she was willing to buy books with the remaining of her money instead of a toy or something. I was very proud of her decision!!! Next door was Peir One...I couldn't pass it up..there we found her a new light that can hang over her bed and she can read at night! PERFECT!!! Now she's in bed using her light to read...first weekend of summer...LOVE IT!!!

Last week of school fun! OH MY she's now a 3rd Grader!!!

Kaitlynn is officially no longer in 2ND grade. She got all A's and E's on her report card and is very excited to move on to the 3rd grade. She had a Hawaiian party at her school the last week and celebrated another day with some of her close friends. Have a great summer everyone!!!