Monday, June 21, 2010

Where I'm at today..I'm staying serious!

I got serious about the weight loss / getting healthy thing. I don't qualify for gastric bypass ...I'm too healthy and I haven't taken a serious look at the lap band yet...that's in the future, near future maybe. However I am not going to lie I love to eat, I hate starving to look better and so I've incorporated more cardio into my life. My battle is my mid section's always been my battle so I've started doing strengthening in my YOGA mornings...their called jackknifes..OH IT HURTS but it's awesome! I'm telling you right now I am not a dedicated person when it comes to exercise, I start a good program and a month in I don't finish so I'm going to work harder to stay on task! Last night I walked the track on base for 45 minutes and it was pretty painful. But I felt good after that! I'm always looking for exercise partners....also I'm looking for Zumba for Wii!!!


Tayde Lund said...

thumbs up...good luck!:)

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