Sunday, June 20, 2010

Going with the flow....

This weekend was a busy weekend for me. I kept busy, met some new people that were nice and met others I preferred not to meet under the circumstances. I spent time out with my girlfriends and it just wasn't the same without my hubby! I had fun, we laughed a lot. And the 2am swim was colder then expected!! I think I prefer to stay home in the future, I was totally out of my element
I had closure on a personal event that happened to me many many years ago. I spoke with an old friend and hearing her voice and knowing that sh's ok today gave me closure. We all as "human beings" make bad decisions all through out our lives, and I had in the past and in my wake others were hurt in different aspects. I've come to turns with most of that because most were just as guilty but when it involves someone you care about it's not easy to work though it. This woman is an amazing woman, I had always thought that. She was there for me at a time in my life where my life was falling apart and she was a positive impression and very supportive. I don't believe I have ever thanked her for that. Well, Thank you Dawn!
I feel like my life is in a dryer right now, tumbling around and around! Every thing is "different'. It's not a bad thing, I am not suffering, my family is having a good time. We miss each other but with them both being gone, my working long days then coming home to study long hours and neglect the house ...then going out ..(I just never go out) it's different for me.
This week is my last week of my 1st class in my Masters program and I have to work on a 10 page paper. I am actually excited about that! I am already enrolled in my next class and literally starts the day AFTER this class ends!!! No break...not complaining, I'm actually enjoying it!


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