Saturday, June 26, 2010

It's Saturday ....I'm feeling good

First and foremost I want to say that I've stopped taking my prescribed sleeping aide and I've been sleeping well. I was prescribed medication last year for anxiety with a sleeping aide. And I'll tell you what, I never knew what good sleep was until I actually was able to fall asleep and not wake up 5 times a night. Well, so far so good.

Well I've been pretty honest with myself with my eating. I can do better that's a fact and will do better. I added in some walking. I took Kaitlynn in a friend of her's to the base to walk the track thursday evening. The girls were on their bikes. I walked from base housing (that's where I parked) and ended up having to run because the girls were out of my site for about 10 seconds but OMG I was sure I was having a heart attack! well I walked for an hour and then I was done. It was hot out, we swam all day and we were all tired. Since then I've had this pain in my right leg in my bone, not muscle or anything else. It's odd to tell you the truth.

I'm still working it out, going to keep swimming and doing my yoga and jackknifes for my gut (I hate it) just keep active. We'll see. I haven't been on the scale for a couple of weeks but I know I've lost inches because of the way my clothes fit. I'm paying super close attention to my midsection. I still haven't found ZUMBA for Wii. Maybe it doesn't exsist.


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