Wednesday, June 16, 2010

what is it about all the good thing

Today is my ten year anniversary and I am separated from my husband. We are separated not because I want to be but because he's in the Marine Corps and the MC told him it was time to go and so he did. I stayed here because of 3 things, 3 good things. My job that I love so dearly and work so hard at. I am so proud of all I have done in this position and with this company. Our daughter, she is established at a great school and happy there and our home. It's not a house, it's not just a house but a HOME to us.

We made this agreement 2 and some yrs ago to do this (me stay in yuma while he's goes to CA) and by golly we did. Has it been easy?hell no! But what makes it successful is the love that we have for each other. There are days I cry and whine and bitch and moan in my head about how tired I am or how sad I am ..blah blah blah And even though you may not think I do, I stop and remember he may be all those things too... and I hate that he might be sad, hurt or lonely. What sucks the most is that he misses out on milestones with Kaitlynn. But with the glass half full....he has been able to be too a lot more since this duty station.

So I think back and ask myself did we make a mistake by sacrificing so much, or did we really sacrifice anything? Is this journey making a us stronger team or is it putting distance between us we'll have a hard time getting rid of.

Being a military spouse, mom sister, brother whatever you may be...certainly isn't easy. I am grateful for the days I have with him and I know Kaitlynn is loving every minute she's having with her daddy. These obstacles haven't been a burden on us as much as a gift.

Today is a new road for me...having my 1oyr anniversary is an important milestone for us, for me and my husband knows and totally understands why. My 7th yr of marriage with Eli was the hardest to face (longggggggggg story behind that) but our 10 yr gives me new hope, more hope and more dreams to accomplish. You can't ever just be ok with your life, how boring is that?


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