Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Words of Wednesday

Looking forward to maybe meeting our new neice this fall! She's so gorgeous!!!! See her in the picture!! So cute cute cute!!! We invited the whole Salter Fam for the holidays so hopefully we'll be able to see them. I miss my SIL Jordon!!!

Thoughts are with my other SIL Jessica who is out of country for work! Hope she is enjoying her experience and staying safe!!!

I'm too tired to today to exercise, so i decided not to let the morning go to waste so i studied. That wasn't very productive, (so I felt) because I just barely was drinking my first cup of coffee while I was reading. Am I going to wake up half asleep for the rest of my life? Geesh it's irritating! ha!! I did do yoga and more jackknifes yesterday. Each morning I wake up and think of swimming some laps but don't have the strength to bring my body out there...I am definitly getting old.

Homework is easy

Work this week is overwhelming, I got emotional yesterday about some kiddos and laid my head down on my desk and sobbed! It's a common thing in our office, we're always crying over a family for one reason or another. This industry is very difficult to work in when it comes to one's emotions. You just constantly worry about these kiddos and then hate you can't save the world. "sigh"

Hubby has been in Italy now for almost 1 wk. I started reallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly missing him 2 days ago now my heart is sad today for him. "another sigh" I want him to come home. i am glad I am keeping myself busy but being without him for the holiday stinks.

Time to get ready for work.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Hurting pain in my whole body

I've been exercising in the pool and going to start the treadmill this week. I learned the hard way it's way too hot to walk outside even at 7pm at night. My body is in shot however, my bones are aching and my muscles are not happy! No pain no gain right?
I am actually glad that I experiencing this because that means I am doing something. I am doing the right things in regards to stretching and stuff but I'm older now and out of shape so it's going to be tough.
I finished my first class in my masters program. I worked diligently on my final paper on sunday and it was a success at 11pages. I had to stop. Crazy thing is my new class started the very next day. NO REST or breathing time. Like I've said before I'm not complaining just saying.....
Happy studying To me!!!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Cute Picture of Kailtynn

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Finished project...

I didn't get a picture of the monster truck! But it was cute!

Another Great day of activities!!!

Today we went to Lowes and built a monster truck then to Michaels and did a 4th of July arts and crafts project! Kaitlynn had a blast!!

More Cave pictures

Date to the Mine with Dad

Kaitlynn is staying with Eli alot this summer in California and we've got some great friends stationed in Ridgecrest also so that makes their lives easier and more fun when she's up there. On this day a bunch of them got together and went 4-wheeling in the desert to a mine and walked through the mine! The kids had their flashlights and headlamps! Apparently it was a blast!!!

It's Saturday ....I'm feeling good

First and foremost I want to say that I've stopped taking my prescribed sleeping aide and I've been sleeping well. I was prescribed medication last year for anxiety with a sleeping aide. And I'll tell you what, I never knew what good sleep was until I actually was able to fall asleep and not wake up 5 times a night. Well, so far so good.

Well I've been pretty honest with myself with my eating. I can do better that's a fact and will do better. I added in some walking. I took Kaitlynn in a friend of her's to the base to walk the track thursday evening. The girls were on their bikes. I walked from base housing (that's where I parked) and ended up having to run because the girls were out of my site for about 10 seconds but OMG I was sure I was having a heart attack! well I walked for an hour and then I was done. It was hot out, we swam all day and we were all tired. Since then I've had this pain in my right leg in my bone, not muscle or anything else. It's odd to tell you the truth.

I'm still working it out, going to keep swimming and doing my yoga and jackknifes for my gut (I hate it) just keep active. We'll see. I haven't been on the scale for a couple of weeks but I know I've lost inches because of the way my clothes fit. I'm paying super close attention to my midsection. I still haven't found ZUMBA for Wii. Maybe it doesn't exsist.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Thoughts for Thursday

Out my window I see ......Duke and better running around like crazy dogs! They make me laugh. They run so fast around the property it's amazing to me how fast the dogs can get.

I am thinking .......about my friend who is currently fighting to keep her children. My heart goes out to the agony she is going though!

I am thankful.........that I have my family home

I am pajama's

I am remembering..............I have to work on my final paper

I am hoping..... Eli has a safe trip to Italy

On my mind...... getting a good sleep tonight

Around the house more and more dust

On of my favorite things....... is the smell of fresh cut grass

Words of Wednesday

Today the President and General meet regarding the interview with the rolling stones magazine. I am very curious to witness the outcome on this..I hate the media, there is so much speculation!

Is there really ever a light at the end of the tunnel?

It's important to remember that everyone is different and everyone had different opinions on everything. I also think it's important to remember that just because the person next door does more or less then you in different aspect of each of your lives, it's ok to be jealous, but you shouldn't be a hater..........

Resolve it & move on

Monday, June 21, 2010

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Where I'm at today..I'm staying serious!

I got serious about the weight loss / getting healthy thing. I don't qualify for gastric bypass ...I'm too healthy and I haven't taken a serious look at the lap band yet...that's in the future, near future maybe. However I am not going to lie I love to eat, I hate starving to look better and so I've incorporated more cardio into my life. My battle is my mid section's always been my battle so I've started doing strengthening in my YOGA mornings...their called jackknifes..OH IT HURTS but it's awesome! I'm telling you right now I am not a dedicated person when it comes to exercise, I start a good program and a month in I don't finish so I'm going to work harder to stay on task! Last night I walked the track on base for 45 minutes and it was pretty painful. But I felt good after that! I'm always looking for exercise partners....also I'm looking for Zumba for Wii!!!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Tribute to my Amazing Husband

Eli is the dad of all dads! I love watching him be a father, he's such a loving caring man with kaitlynn. He adores her as much as she adores him! HERE's to Eli Salter! You are the BEST BABE!!!!

Going with the flow....

This weekend was a busy weekend for me. I kept busy, met some new people that were nice and met others I preferred not to meet under the circumstances. I spent time out with my girlfriends and it just wasn't the same without my hubby! I had fun, we laughed a lot. And the 2am swim was colder then expected!! I think I prefer to stay home in the future, I was totally out of my element
I had closure on a personal event that happened to me many many years ago. I spoke with an old friend and hearing her voice and knowing that sh's ok today gave me closure. We all as "human beings" make bad decisions all through out our lives, and I had in the past and in my wake others were hurt in different aspects. I've come to turns with most of that because most were just as guilty but when it involves someone you care about it's not easy to work though it. This woman is an amazing woman, I had always thought that. She was there for me at a time in my life where my life was falling apart and she was a positive impression and very supportive. I don't believe I have ever thanked her for that. Well, Thank you Dawn!
I feel like my life is in a dryer right now, tumbling around and around! Every thing is "different'. It's not a bad thing, I am not suffering, my family is having a good time. We miss each other but with them both being gone, my working long days then coming home to study long hours and neglect the house ...then going out ..(I just never go out) it's different for me.
This week is my last week of my 1st class in my Masters program and I have to work on a 10 page paper. I am actually excited about that! I am already enrolled in my next class and literally starts the day AFTER this class ends!!! No break...not complaining, I'm actually enjoying it!


It was a real cool time. The turn out was amazing. Even though it wasn't a full on race, the kids seems to enjoy watching the cars. One even hit the wall!! I was changing batteries at that time! Go figure!! ha! I know Kailtynn is gonna LOVE LOVE LOVE this! Can't wait to share these times with my family!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

what is it about all the good thing

Today is my ten year anniversary and I am separated from my husband. We are separated not because I want to be but because he's in the Marine Corps and the MC told him it was time to go and so he did. I stayed here because of 3 things, 3 good things. My job that I love so dearly and work so hard at. I am so proud of all I have done in this position and with this company. Our daughter, she is established at a great school and happy there and our home. It's not a house, it's not just a house but a HOME to us.

We made this agreement 2 and some yrs ago to do this (me stay in yuma while he's goes to CA) and by golly we did. Has it been easy?hell no! But what makes it successful is the love that we have for each other. There are days I cry and whine and bitch and moan in my head about how tired I am or how sad I am ..blah blah blah And even though you may not think I do, I stop and remember he may be all those things too... and I hate that he might be sad, hurt or lonely. What sucks the most is that he misses out on milestones with Kaitlynn. But with the glass half full....he has been able to be too a lot more since this duty station.

So I think back and ask myself did we make a mistake by sacrificing so much, or did we really sacrifice anything? Is this journey making a us stronger team or is it putting distance between us we'll have a hard time getting rid of.

Being a military spouse, mom sister, brother whatever you may be...certainly isn't easy. I am grateful for the days I have with him and I know Kaitlynn is loving every minute she's having with her daddy. These obstacles haven't been a burden on us as much as a gift.

Today is a new road for me...having my 1oyr anniversary is an important milestone for us, for me and my husband knows and totally understands why. My 7th yr of marriage with Eli was the hardest to face (longggggggggg story behind that) but our 10 yr gives me new hope, more hope and more dreams to accomplish. You can't ever just be ok with your life, how boring is that?

10 Yrs Together, I LOVE THIS MAN

Today is our 10 yr anniversary! Alot of memories in the last 10 yrs. TONS of happy times and tons of tears shed. Every waken moment so worth it. We have had many journeys though out out 10 yrs and I predict they will continue. I was very lucky to fall so much in love with this amazing man, I thank GOD everyday for allowing me to have Eli as my husband. I love you Eli, even with the distance between us I love love love you!
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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

2nd Day on the beach! Kaitlynn getting all ready for it

Kaitlynn and her Seaweed
Big waves!!!

Monday, June 14, 2010

On Eli and Kaitlynns Journey on the BIKE

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My hubby and I are celebrating our 10 yr anniversary this week. Over the weekend we took ourselves to the beach and meditated. It was the most relaxed experience I've ever had.
I have found my new getaway. We also saw some great friends who we've known since Eli and I have been married so it was nice to spend time with important people in our lives.
It was exactly what I needed.

10 Year Anniversary At the Beach