Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Day 2

I'm probably not going to be this dedicated to blogging and tracking my menu everyday since I started a new class today. But I want to share with everyone what I'm eating and how it is effecting me already.
When I woke this morning I felt great. Remember I am taking a multi vitamin at night. I woke up right before the alarm went off so that was fabulous for me. I was NOT hungry right way and had no desire for coffee. ALREADY on the 2nd day.
My menu for the day

breakfast 1 cup coffee with splenda and a touch of cream = 20 calories
2 pieces of turkey bacon 70 calories
1 fried egg 45 calories

snack am & PM rice cake each time 35 calories

lunch 3oz grilled breast of chicken no salt no butter or oil 137 calories
2 cups of steamed broccoli no salt or pepper and no oil or butter 50 calories

Dinner - 1 3oz stk sirloin 140 calories
1 small tortilla 30 calories

Total 527 calories

LOTS of water

walked 30 minutes at a constant pace on treadmill burned approx 180 calories

no doubt this is hard, I thought today why the hell am I doing this because I could really use a glass of wine tonight......or a nice cold draft amber bock....then I looked at a picture of my daughter and a horrible picture of myself at this weight and reminded myself to stay strong. 1 wk of this and I'll have a good plan! Thanks to everyone who has giving me great low calorie food ideas! EVERYTHING HELPS!


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