Sunday, October 24, 2010's sooooo close

tonight I was sitting with a dear friend talking and hearing her deepest wishes. Those moments were so important to me because of the importance of our relationship. she wishes happiness and love...I wish that for her.
so as the night goes by she talks and i smile
she talks and I smile
she talks and I smile
I hear her....
my thoughts wonder
my thoughts merge
thinking about my lover
my deepest commitment
my husband when I have these memories always, not sure why, this particular memory comes into pay....back of bike, mini skirt!
I am sure ALL of you who know us, knows this memory!
that is the beginning of all memories!
our love has not only grown, it's become bigger then anyone could ever imagined. My husband and I have fallen so in love I still to this day...almost 11 yrs later pinch myself in awe!
he is my lover
my best friend
my hero
I love you eli and I can't wait until the next day we see each other !

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Day 2

I'm probably not going to be this dedicated to blogging and tracking my menu everyday since I started a new class today. But I want to share with everyone what I'm eating and how it is effecting me already.
When I woke this morning I felt great. Remember I am taking a multi vitamin at night. I woke up right before the alarm went off so that was fabulous for me. I was NOT hungry right way and had no desire for coffee. ALREADY on the 2nd day.
My menu for the day

breakfast 1 cup coffee with splenda and a touch of cream = 20 calories
2 pieces of turkey bacon 70 calories
1 fried egg 45 calories

snack am & PM rice cake each time 35 calories

lunch 3oz grilled breast of chicken no salt no butter or oil 137 calories
2 cups of steamed broccoli no salt or pepper and no oil or butter 50 calories

Dinner - 1 3oz stk sirloin 140 calories
1 small tortilla 30 calories

Total 527 calories

LOTS of water

walked 30 minutes at a constant pace on treadmill burned approx 180 calories

no doubt this is hard, I thought today why the hell am I doing this because I could really use a glass of wine tonight......or a nice cold draft amber bock....then I looked at a picture of my daughter and a horrible picture of myself at this weight and reminded myself to stay strong. 1 wk of this and I'll have a good plan! Thanks to everyone who has giving me great low calorie food ideas! EVERYTHING HELPS!

Day 2

I woke up feeling great today, I was nervous it would be the total opposite. I remember a friend talking about adding more protein to my diet when your eating way less. I am going to make sure I have at least a 3oz chicken breast or sirloin steak every other day. Good source of protein, I think I'm really going to try hard to do the treadmill each evening. I started back to school this week also so I can read my book while I walk . According to this guide hubby sent me last night I actually burnt 180 calories not 150 so that does help to allow me to have extra veggies at lunch and dinner, I'll just hop on the treadmill at the end of the day. unfortunately the scale in the house has disappeared. i went room to room in a fog first thing out of bed this morning looking for the scale., did not find it so I'm still not totally sure if I lost anything yesterday. I will be purchasing a scale and will go off my last weight measurement that was last week at the doctors for a guide.

Monday, October 18, 2010

weight loss journey

So I found this new process in weight loss and I decided to try it. I started today at 500 calorie a day diet and I am walking on treadmill at a good pace 3 times a week to burn 150 calories a day. I will give those days my extra days but will try hard NOT to use them but burn those calories. i am finding alot of protein full foods that are low in calories and I am taking a great vitamin daily. I am excited for this and I am going to do my best to stick to it, phase I of this process is the hardest!
today I had

2 cups of coffee with splenda and 1 tblspn creamer = 25 calories
1 apple = 45 calories
1 bowl of iceberg lettuce = 24 calories
tuna packet =70 calories
2 peices of sugar free gum=10 calories
3 peices of turkey bacon=110 calories
1 fried egg - 45 calories
1 cup strawberries 45 calories
1 packet of crystal light =10 calories
28 lightly salted pretzel sticks= 110

Total calorie intake =494

walked on treadmill for 30 minutes
burned 150 calories

Damn .......I could do this

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Our Daughter turns 8yrs old!!!

what a week! Eli was home for 10 days, what a great gift to kaitlynn for her birthday! And boy what a birthday it was! House filled with friends and lots and lots of kids! Kaitlynn celebrated at Wild River family fun Entertainment and it was a blast, bowling, arcade fun, pizza and cake celebration! Then........the races! A majority of the party, about 15 of us went over to the Cocopah speedway to watch the races and it was a blast! Great racing...late it was Rockband time and then GOOD NIGHT! Exhausting day but it was so awesome for her! Happy Birthday My sweet princess! WE LOVE YOU!