Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I had a good laugh today....the vision in my head was actually ridiculous.....

There comes a time in ones life where you have to just stop allowing people to not only effect you but to effect you enough to alter your life. There are so many mean and vindictive people out there and these last 6 months has been the biggest eye opener for me in regards to both end of the spectrum. I know I carry no guilt or shame, maybe some ..well we all make mistakes and learn by them....SOME NEVER DO. SO I have moved on to a better place in my life having my best friend home and those girlfriends I can call up and just cry and they will listen....then come and get me for a drink THOSE are who I want in my life, NOT someone who continues to manipulate people for their own good to get a free pass. Tell one person one thing and turn around and tell the other person the same thing making sure everyone is on her side. I knew the game, I knew it was being played, I just wasn't fast enough ..ha All I gotta say baby is Karma, it may not come 10 folds, but bit by bit but you in your heart of hearts knows if your really truly a good person....and if you you really expect something back?
I am not perfect and I am working on my faults daily because more than anything I want to have a successful marriage and career. I haven't work on my education just to sit around and waste away watching others do the same. I am grateful for this new door that has happened and Stepping in hasn't been a problem. Happy 20012 Everyone, it's going to be such a great YEar!!!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Great shooting weekend

Even thought the weather was over cast I got some great photos and learned ALOT when it comes to the horse sport of CUTTING. I Met some great people and truely enjoyed myself. Today I was able to show each rider the photos I took and got a great amount of orders. The next event will be even better, not only for me but the outcome with their photos because I've learned alot more of what their looking at in a photo, even of themselves. I am excited to be a part of this event. The next EMCO cutting I will shoot both days.

Saturday, January 14, 2012


Today was a great day! Great but LONG....I got some great shots...I had a ton of fun! Here are some I got....

Friday, January 13, 2012

SO MUCH CHANGE...but loving it

An exciting event this weekend this is that I have my first photo shoot EVER. After seeing some of my work (I really didn't try hard or didn't think I was doing anything special) I was asked to commit to this event for the next 3 months. I will spend 2 days taking photos and capturing moments that they may want to keep forever. I am flattered to have been invited to be a part of their memories. It's an event that is widely known in the horse community in Yuma with people traveling all the way from CA and New Mexico for this event.
I'm thinking I might have a hidden talent! :0)

So it's been a week....and I've decided that I am going to LOVE my new job. I was excited in the beginning to have a job and looking forward to the diversity but after a week of training and getting to know my colleagues I believe this is where I need to be right now. I have observed some amazing interactions and smiles on peoples faces. I am excited to be able to make a difference and at the same time experience the new environment of adult case management, maybe making a difference in their lives too.

Even though things are different in our lives, way different from JUST 3 months ago, it's believed that we are heading a different direction for different reasons. Even though there are times I may feel I'm losing faith I remind myself that everything happens for a reason and I truly believe that. That stays in my mind and I wait until that window opens when that door slams shut. Unfortunately this time I lost people in my life who mattered to me but at the same time I learned why. It's defiantly been a growing experience.

Thank GOD for you, THANK goodness for my family and those friends who have stuck by me no matter what, never judged me, let me cry on their shoulder and gave me advice even if I didn't want to hear it. You are the people I want in our lives. XOXOXO

Monday, January 9, 2012

A new day

I haven't been nervous for something in a long time. Maybe a little when Eli came home from his deployment but I think that was a butterfly omg my best friend is coming home nervous. I start a new job today and I am so excited that I'll be taking a total different path in my career. I won't be the boss, I'll have a boss; ha! which I always have had but this is different. I won't have people I have to worry about and I can focus on where I am headed more so than anything. I've stayed in the same "industry" per say so the change is not going to hurt my career history but only highlight it. So with all that being said I move forward to utilize all the skills I have gained and all the knowledge I have acquired over the years to not only to help others, but to be the best I can be in any given position. Being back and school getting a Certificate in General Psychology is PERFECT for what I'll be doing in my new position. More to come....

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Becoming more healthy

With this new year I am going to be more active with an initial goal to lose 60lbs. I'm not going back to WW but will be using the WW process with portions and such. I have 6 months of zumba paid for so I'll be doing that as my cardio starting THIS WEEK. Very excited!! Anyone want to partner with me and meet occasionally at the park to walk?