Thursday, August 26, 2010

A wedding and a Funeral

I have only been to Houston 2 times in my life and it was for my Uncle Ron's wedding 9 yrs ago and now for his Memorial Service last week. It has been a tormenting journey the last 10 days. Not only because we lost my Uncle, my mom's brother but we lost a man who was so amazing, so intelligent, selfless, fun and amazing. I stood in shock when my mom told me about my uncle passing away in his home, legs getting numb gasping for air at the same time looking at my mom and seeing the pain in her eyes, knowing how broken her heart was. She and Ron had a bond as siblings you just don't see anymore. Over the last 6 yrs Ron has spent alot of time with us in AZ especially in November when we all went to Nascar.
My mom, step-father Greg, my hubby and my brother Kevin all rushed to Texas last week to work through this and support each other in this time of loss. I know myself I wanted to go and see him and know this isn't happening, in the beginning there was denial. It was devastating to us to go into his home, see his belongings and get to know more about a man who we thought we already knew and became regretful of the years we missed. Boxing up personal items, memoirs and even things that didn't need to be boxed up because we didn't want to be separated by just that little piece that would remind us of who he was.
I can't express to you how heart broken I was when I realized "hey this is real", he's gone!
My heart broke over and over as I witnessed the sadness in my moms eyes, seeing my family in so much pain. Knowing I can't help my mom and make it better. Knowing the guys were heartbroken over losing a fabulous member of our family, my daughter not understanding but knowing he's gone and she will never see him again. All of us so sad, it's indescribable. I thank my brother Kevin for rushing to my mom's side to be a support, I thank my dad Greg for just putting up with everything and being the backbone of the crew and I thank my husband most of all for supporting me through this time of sadness, knowing he's hurting too.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Good Morning Mr. Sunshine

Getting closer to the END of this Duty Station

Well we're getting closer to hubby being home and finally being a united family again. This duty station has been tormenting. I don't suggest doing GEO bachelor ever! It's such a roller coaster, sounds we're but I'll take a deployment over this any day. It's been a tough road, we've learned alot about each other, cried alot of tears but also had alot of laughs. These next 6 months will be very exciting preparing mentally for him to move back home!!! I don't like to be negative nancy, but I can't express how we've struggled as a couple. This seperation has also put some stressors on kaitlynn and we're all glad that it's almost over and we can move to the next chapter in our lives!

Friday, August 13, 2010


Kaitlynn had some girlfriends over tonight for a sleep over and we did some swimming before it got dark. check out the funny pictures! They have so much fun!!!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Life change events

One would look at this differently then others but it's pretty common a life changing even is a death, divorce, marriage, a new baby. Is it ok to include those pieces that change the way you think, feel and respond? Over the years I've had friends come and friends go, even when they left I have kept in slight contact with them. The occasional email hey, how are you! But there are those who end up staying in your life no matter where you go. I have a friend of 15 yrs, I watched her kids grow up, she was my maid of honor and still holds me when I cry. She is truly the friend of all friends. So what happened to that? What happened to just keeping it good and not talking behind backs and thinking you may be so much better then everyone else. Why are there people out there that have to have the better things have to compete with those who are suppose to be their friends? Life is not who you are, be true to those you care about and if you don't care well, don't be a bitch and hurt their feelings. Because no one likes ugly. Peace out!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

LOVE this picture of Max and Annie

Great picture of Max and Annie, our german shepard! Miss you max
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