Friday, December 30, 2011


STILL our lives are on a roller coaster., I wouldn't expect anything different. We are such diverse characters, I expect that we'll bounce back and fourth. It's been a challenged last 6 months. I will use profanity from here on out so please be aware, if your easily offended please do not continue reading. This is my blog and this is my voice and my place to voice my opinion.

I have learned that there are people out there who get off to get ahead with deceiving other people or their friends. They fucken suck. The great thing about that is KARMA baby! I have jumped on the coaster and gone down down down and cried and cried and cried. There are ONLY a handful of people that I can talk to that I can trust that my words won't be taken out of context or over evaluated, it's unfortunate.

On the positive side I have spent alot of time with my BFF Karla and had a fabulous time with her and her family. My husband is home and I am grateful that he is healthy and home safe. I had the privilege to spend time with my nephew and his family, getting to know them and loving on my great niece! what a great gift from GOD.

Life is fucken great compared and I'll continue to give and contribute.