Friday, December 31, 2010

what a year....The Salters never stop!

As I sit here and think about the year that went by so darn fast I also get to reflect on what not only have we accomplished but then heart aches we had to go through to learn new things. This was a tough year for the Salter family in regards to the dynamics of our family. This year was the last year Eli will be at his current duty station and I won't even pour sugar on this one, this duty station for us was hard. He loves his job, I am so glad I was able to support him on that but it defiantly did test our marriage. We watched our daughter grow and learn new skills. She went though some bullying issues in the early party of the year....she was a victim not a bully and I as a mother had learned something about myself. That probably was the hardest thing I will ever have to go through s to watch your child be ridiculed, it was a lesson learned for all of us. New skills were developed and I am proud of myself that I was not a dirt bag dirty mouth crazy mom when talking to the parents of these children. Then You always walk away wishing you said something more or something less.
Kaitlynn developed a skill she's always really had but this year her love of music increased 10 folds. She wrote a couple of songs and is learning to put the music with it. It is amazing as a parent to listen to her. I am excited to see where this takes her.
I started my Masters program in Public Administration! It's been tough but I'm working though it. I should graduate in November 2011
Sadly we lost our dear Uncle Ron this year. It's been the biggest challenge of the year but we've worked through it. What was the best was how our family came together to fast to support each other. It was devastating to all of us, mostly to my mom. She loved her brother and was so close to him. My heart still goes out to her.
We didn't do much traveling (except for Houston for the memorial) but we did alot of little things and I posted pictures over the last year. Nascar was a blast this year but sad without Ron and Kevin.
A quick trip through our last year ....Today we are together and tonight we'll ring the new year in with good friends and new friends. It's something grand to know you can go anywhere in the states and have friends to see!
Happy New year to EVERYONE and thank you for being a part of my life! With much love ...
Deana Salter